Happiness and Strength 

I found that life has many ups and downs.  It seems like sometimes it gives us more than I can handle. Even then is when I really need to make a choice to be happy. I am not choosing to be happy about the down but I direct my mind to what I can be happy about. I have learned that nothing in life stays the same and I can be happy with that. I know that the up is coming. I am happy that I am not in a worse situation. Like the saying . …

I was sad because I had no shoes until I met a man without any feet.

Choosing to be happy does require controlling your own thoughts and in time it does become easier but it is a continuous improvement that needs to be given a thought about every time you see yourself getting into another day and emotions.

It is easier to just let your thoughts and emotions to control me then to control them but I have found that the outcome of being happy by choice serves me in being able to make better decisions and building a way of life that I desire.

Yes, it is a strength that I have found and I know when others say that you can’t choose to be happy then they are saying that they don’t want to try. That they would prefer to be a victim of their thoughts and emotions.

Strength is admired and cherished because it is not come by without work. It is those who choose a better life and make the choices to serve them in a positive way that show strength and are on their way to have their desires fulfilled.

My hope is that everyone can see that they too can reach the top and enjoy the journey there. I know it is a choose that each individual has to make on their own.

Love and Light sweeties

Sherry Howe

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